Basic English Grammar Book Pdf

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BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 1 Younger students at beginning to intermediate levels will greatly benefit from this step-by-step approach to English grammar basics. This is the ideal supplement to your language arts program whether your students are native English speakers or beginning English language learners. Skill-specific lessons make it easy to locate and prescribe instant reinforcement or intervention. • Illustrated lessons are tightly focused on core concepts of grammar • Nearly 70 practice exercises are included for ready reinforcement • A wealth of examples are provided on every topic • Concise explanations are bolstered by extra grammar tips and useful language notes
Anne Seaton • Y. H. Mew
Three Watson Irvine, CA 92618-2767 Web site:
First published in the United States by Saddleback Educational Publishing, 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618 by arrangement with Learners Publishing Pte Ltd, Singapore Copyright ©2007 by Saddleback Educational Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher. ISBN 1-59905-201-6 Printed in the United States of America 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Introduction Grammar is a very old field of study. Did you know that the sentence was first divided into subject and verb by Plato, the famed philosopher from ancient Greece? That was about 2,400 years ago! Ever since then, students all over the world have found it worthwhile to study the structure of words and sentences. Why? Because skill in speaking and writing is the hallmark of all educated people. Lesson by lesson, this book provides basic instruction in the eight parts of speech—nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections—as well as the standard patterns of English sentences. All students of English, be they native speakers or those who are studying English as a second language, will profit from the fundamental introduction and review of grammar provided by SADDLEBACK’S BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 1 and 2. Helpful marginal notes throughout the books have been provided to reinforce existing skills and call attention to common problem areas. We wish you every success in your pursuit of English proficiency.
1 What is Grammar?
2 The Capital Letter
3 Nouns 8 Common Nouns Proper Nouns Singular Nouns Plural Nouns Collective Nouns Masculine and Feminine Nouns
4 Pronouns Personal Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns Interrogative Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns
5 Adjectives Adjective Endings Kinds of Adjectives Comparison of Adjectives
8 13 21 23 34 37
44 47 48 49 52 54 58 65 71
The Articles Demonstrative Determiners Interrogative Determiners Possessive Determiners
71 73 74 75
The Simple Present Tense Am, Is and Are The Present Progressive Tense Have and Has The Present Perfect Tense
98 99 104 106 108 112 113 115 120
8 Subject-Verb Agreement
9 Adverbs
7 Verbs and Tenses
The Simple Past Tense Regular and Irregular Verbs Was and Were The Past Progressive Tense The Future Tense Can and Could May and Might Do, Does and Did Would and Should
79 80 83 89 93 96
10 Prepositions
11 Conjunctions
12 Interjections
13 Sentences
What is a Sentence? 139 Kinds of Sentences 140 The Imperative 141 The Subject and the Object 143 Direct and Indirect Objects 144 Positive and Negative Sentences 146 Questions 147
14 Punctuation Period Comma Exclamation Point Question Mark Apostrophe
150 150 151 152 152 153
What is Grammar?
Here’s an old children’s rhyme about the eight parts of speech of English grammar. It gives you an idea of what grammar is about. Read and remember it.
Every name is called a noun, Noun
As field and fountain, street and town.
In place of noun the pronoun stands, As he and she can clap their hands. The adjective describes a thing, As magic wand or bridal ring.
Most verbs mean action, something done, Verb
To read and write, to jump and run. How things are done the adverbs tell, ition Prepos
As quickly, slowly, badly, well.
The preposition shows relation, As in the street or at the station. Conjunctions join, in many ways, Sentences, words, or phrase and phrase. The interjection cries out, “Heed!
An exclamation point must follow me!” 0018
The Capital Letter
The capital letter is also called a big letter or upper- case letter, or sometimes just a capital. A B
When do you use a capital letter? 4 Use a capital letter for the first letter in a sentence: The dog is barking. Come here!
4 Always use a capital letter for the word I : I am eight years old. Tom and I are good friends. 4 Use a capital letter for the names of people:
Alice, Tom, James, Kim, Snow White
4 Use a capital letter for the names of places: National Museum, Bronx Zoo, London, Sacramento
4 Use a capital letter for festivals, holidays, days of the week, months of the year: New Year’s Day, Christmas, Labor Day, Mother’s Day, Sunday, Monday, Friday, January, May, July, October 0018
Exercise 1
Circle the letters that should be CAPITALS. Then write the correct letter in the space above them. 1
peter and i are good friends.
we are going to chicago during our summer 2 vacation. 3 there is an interesting football game on sunday. 4 jason lives on thomson avenue. 5 january is the first month of the year.
Exercise 2
Look at the signs on the left. Can you find the mistakes? Write the names correctly. hopkins hotel
lincoln school
orchard street
newton road
botanic gardens
national library
shea stadium
Common Nouns Nouns are divided into common nouns and proper nouns. Common nouns are words for people, animals, places, or things. These are words for people. They are common nouns. artist
Word File Here are more words for people:
actor aunt baby baker cook dentist doctor giant you kn o
lawyer judge man nurse police officer singer soldier teacher
clown astronaut
Another word for astronaut is spaceman or spacewoman. 0018
These are words for animals. They are common nouns. eagle zebra
crocodile bird
Word File Here are more words for animals:
cat cow dog dolphin duck fish goat 0018
goose hen horse mouse parrot shark whale
These are words for places. They are common nouns.
Word File Here are more words for places:
library shop Everfresh Co.
airport market cave mountain church playground farm restaurant hill school hospital seashore hotel stadium house supermarket island temple mall zoo
These are words for things. They are common nouns.
basket bed
drum cake
Word File Here are more words for things:
bag box bread can chair cot cup desk door egg
gate 11
kite ladder lamp picture radio television train truck watch window
Exercise 1
Underline the common nouns in these sentences. 1 There’s a little bird in the garden. 2 Who is your teacher? 3 Don’t eat that rotten apple. 4 Kate has a lovely doll. 5 I like reading stories. 6 My father is a doctor. 7 Every child has a dictionary. 8 Rudy hates bananas. 9 The phone is ringing. 10 Here’s a book for you.
Exercise 2
Here’s a mixed bag of words. Put each word under its correct heading. swimmer letters mountain granny
snail flag fox taxi
fire engine river hotel gardener
clown barber parrot camel
Proper Nouns Proper nouns are names for particular people, places or things. They always begin with a capital letter.
Santa Claus
Word File Here are some more names of people:
Ali Baba Florence Nightingale Derek Jeter Pauline Johnny Depp Patrick Harry Potter Pinocchio Robin Hood you kn o
Your own name and the names of your friends are proper nouns too. 13
Kim Lee
The names of countries and their people are also proper nouns.
America Egypt India Italy Japan
Americans Egyptians Indians Italians the Japanese
Korea Malaysia Pakistan France Thailand
Koreans Malaysians Pakistanis the French Thais
The names of towns, cities, buildings and landmarks are proper nouns.
Egypt Hong Kong
the Great Wall of China the Statue of Liberty
Tokyo Bangkok London New York Paris Beijing
New Delhi Denver the Grand Canyon Central Park the Leaning Tower of Pisa the Eiffel Tower Brooklyn Bridge Big Ben Pike’s Peak 15
The days of the week and months of the year are proper nouns. Days Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Mar ch
es Wedn
Tuesda y
e Septemb
rda y
Months January February March April May June July August September October November December
you kn
January is the first month of the year. Sunday is the first day of the week. A table that shows the months, weeks and days 16
The names of mountains, seas, rivers and lakes are proper nouns.
Mount Everest
the Thames Lake Michigan the Alps the Dead Sea Mount Fuji
Niagara Falls
you kn o
the Himalayas the Pacific Ocean the Yellow River
You often use the before names of oceans, rivers, seas and ranges of mountains. Mount means mountain. It is often used in the names of mountains.
For example: Mount Everest Mount St. Helens The written short form for Mount is Mt. For example: Mt. Everest, Mt. Fuji 17
The names of festivals, some special events and holidays are proper nouns, too.
Valentine’s Day Father’s Day
Word File Here are more names of festivals and holidays:
Christmas Memorial Day Labor Day Independence Day
Mother’s Day April Fool’s Day Thanksgiving Day St. Patrick’s Day 18
New Year’s Day
Exercise 1
Underline the proper nouns in the following sentences. 1 July is often the hottest month in summer. 2 One day Ali Baba saw the forty thieves hiding in a cave. 3 Shawn and Ashley are going to the beach for a swim. 4 Mr. Lee is reading a book. 5 “I am your fairy godmother,” said the old woman to Cinderella. 6 Uncle Mike is a lawyer. 7 Next Tuesday is a public holiday. 8 Many children enjoyed the movie Lion King.
Exercise 2
Look at the words in the box. Which ones are common nouns and which ones are proper nouns? Put each word under its correct heading.
Lisa January doctor
bank beach month
President Hotel White Sand Beach Dr. Wang
Common Nouns
United Bank hotel girl
Proper Nouns
Exercise 3
Write C for common or P for proper on the blank before each noun. 1 _______ the White House 2 _______ the green dress 3 _______ the tall building 4 _______ the Empire State Building 5 _______ the Yellow River 6 _______ the muddy river 7 _______ the governor 8 _______ Governor Parker 9 _______ the Oregon Trail 10 _______ the winding trail
Exercise 4
Underline the nouns that should be capitalized. Circle the nouns that should not be capitalized. 1 Robert louis Stevenson wrote treasure island. 2 The Capital of illinois is Springfield. 3 My Friends and I prefer Glittergums toothpaste. 4 Their Family visited Yellowstone national Park. 5 Juan and maria attend kennedy Middle school. 6 We had a Surprise Party for aunt Helen. 7 Spring and Fall are my favorite Seasons. 8 The Manager scolded his lazy Employees.
Singular Nouns Nouns can be singular or plural. When you are talking about one person, animal, place, or thing, use a singular noun.
an owl
a ship a train a woman
Word File These are also singular nouns:
an airplane a bicycle a boy a bus a comb a girl a key
a flower
a letter a map a photograph a refrigerator a slide a swing a van
m ar H elp
4 Use a or an before singular nouns.
Use an before words beginning with vowels (a, e, i, o,­­ u). For example, say:
an axe an egg an envelope an ice cream
an igloo an orange an umbrella an uncle
4 But some words don’t follow this rule. For example,
use a (not an) before these words that begin with u:
a uniform
a university
4 Use a before words beginning with the other
letters of the alphabet, called consonants. For example, say:
a basket a bowl a car a hill a house
a rainbow a monster a pillow a watch a zoo
4 But some words don’t follow this rule. For example,
use an (not a) before these words that begin with h:
an heir an honor an hour
Plural Nouns When you are talking about two or more people, animals, places, or things, use plural nouns. Most nouns are made plural by adding -s at the end. star
stars mug
Word File Singular bird broom camel desk doll egg flower fork game lamb nest pen photo shirt spoon
Plural birds brooms camels desks dolls eggs flowers forks games lambs nests pens photos shirts spoons
fan mugs
cap fans caps 23
Some plural nouns end in -es. glass brush
Word File
m ar H elp
Singular beach branch box bush church dish dress sandwich witch
Plural beaches branches boxes bushes churches dishes dresses sandwiches witches
When the last letters of singular nouns are ch, sh, s, ss or x, you usually add -es to form the plural. 24
sh s ss x
+ es
Some plural nouns end in -ies. butterflies canaries canary butterfly
Word File
Plural babies cherries diaries dictionaries fairies families flies ladies libraries puppies stories strawberries
lilies lily
candies candy
m ar H elp
Singular baby cherry diary dictionary fairy family fly lady library puppy story strawberry
i Nouns like these are made plural by changing y to i, and adding -es. 25
What if there is a vowel before the y? In that case, add -s to form the plural.
key turkey keys
Word File Singular chimney cowboy day donkey jersey kidney monkey toy trolley valley
Plural chimneys cowboys days donkeys jerseys kidneys monkeys toys trolleys valleys
If a noun ends in -f, you often change f to v, and add -es.
calf elf half leaf
Singular loaf shelf thief wolf
Plural loaves shelves thieves wolves
m ar H elp
Plural calves elves halves leaves
f Often nouns that end in -f, just need -s to form the plural.
Singular Plural Singular Plural chef chefs handkerchief handkerchiefs chief chiefs roof roofs cliff cliffs sheriff sheriffs For some words that end in -f, the plural can be spelled in two different ways. Singular Plural dwarf dwarfs or dwarves hoof hoofs or hooves scarf scarfs or scarves
With some words that end in -fe, you change f to v, and add -s. you kn
Singular knife life wife
Plural knives lives wives
f v e
But you only add -s to giraffe to form the plural. 27
If a noun ends in -o, you just add -s to form the plural.
a rhino
Word File
a kangaroo
Singular a hippo a video a zoo
Plural hippos videos zoos
But with some nouns that end in -o, you add -es to form the plural. Word File
m ar H m a
a flamingo
Singular a tomato a potato a hero
Plural tomatoes potatoes heroes
With some nouns that end in -o, you can add either -s or -es to form the plural. Singular a mango a mosquito a zero a buffalo
Plural mangoes mosquitoes zeroes buffaloes 28
Plural mangos mosquitos zeros buffalos
Some plural nouns don’t follow the -s rule. They don’t end in -s, -es, -ies or -ves. Instead, the word changes form.
Word File Singular child man ox tooth woman you kn o
Plural children men oxen teeth women
The plural of the mouse that you use with your computer is either mice or mouses. 29
Some plural nouns are the same as the singular noun.
Word File Singular Plural bison bison deer deer
fish you kn
You can use fishes as the plural of fish when you are talking about different kinds of fish: all the fishes of the Pacific Ocean. 30
Some nouns are always plural. binoculars goggles
Word File pants pajamas shorts trousers sandals
you kn o
scissors sneakers slippers stockings
Another word for spectacles is glasses.
m ar H elp
You can make these plural nouns singular by using a pair of:
a pair of binoculars a pair of spectacles a pair of goggles a pair of jeans a pair of shorts a pair of pliers
a pair of shoes 31
Exercise 1 Look at the words below. Do you know which ones are singular and which are plural ? Put a checkmark (✓) in the correct box. Singular Plural word pencils books fan hat children kites people crab foxes
Exercise 2 Do you add -s or -es to these singular nouns to make them plural? Write your answers on the lines. Singular Plural
1 desk
6 basket ___________
2 class
7 peach ___________
3 comb
8 belt
4 mug
9 taxi
5 bus
10 box
Exercise 3 Do you change -y to -ies, or just add -s to make these singular nouns plural? Write your anwers. Singular
1 key
6 toy
2 city
7 baby
3 butterfly
8 party
4 monkey
9 chimney
5 fly
10 lady
Exercise 4
All these singular nouns end with -o. Add either -s or -es as you write the plurals on the line. Singular
Plural Singular
1 video
6 radio
2 piano
7 hippo
3 mango
8 zoo
4 kangaroo
9 zero
5 rhino
10 photo
Collective Nouns Collective nouns are words for groups of people, animals or things. These are nouns for groups of people. a family
a crew an orchestra
Word File Here are some more groups of people:
a gang a group a team
m ar H elp
an audience a band a choir a class
Many collective nouns can be used with a singular or plural verb. For example: My family was happy to see me. or My family were happy to see me.
But the following collective nouns always take a plural verb: cattle people the police 34
Here are more collective nouns that are used for groups of people, animals or things.
a brood of chickens
a band of musicians a school of fish
Word File Here are some more collective nouns:
a bunch of keys a class of pupils a collection of books a deck of cards a fleet of ships a flock of sheep a gaggle of geese a gang of robbers a herd of cattle a litter of cubs a pod of whales a pack of wolves a pride of lions a set of stamps a swarm of bees a troupe of actors
a team of players
a flight of steps
Farmer John had several different kinds of animals on his farm. Write the correct collective noun for each group of his animals.
Farmer John had:
of geese
of sheep
of cattle
of horses
One day a of coyotes tried to attack his animals. Farmer John yelled and waved a pitchfork to frighten them away. 36
Masculine and Feminine Nouns Masculine nouns are words for men and boys, and male animals. Feminine nouns are words for women and girls, and female animals. rooster bridegroom
hen lion lioness
Word File
Masculine boy man prince steward waiter
queen 37
Feminine girl woman princess stewardess waitress
Here are some more masculine and feminine nouns for people.
you kn o
actor brother emperor father gentleman grandfather grandson headmaster man master nephew prince son steward uncle wizard
actress sister empress mother lady grandmother granddaughter headmistress woman mistress niece princess daughter stewardess aunt witch
Masculine nouns belong to the masculine gender. Feminine nouns belong to the feminine gender. 38
Here are some masculine and feminine nouns for male and female animals.
chicken cattle deer donkey duck fox goose horse lion sheep tiger
rooster bull buck jack drake fox gander stallion lion ram tiger
hen cow doe jenny duck vixen goose mare lioness ewe tigress
you kn o
Nouns that end in -ess and -ress often belong to the feminine gender. For example: actress stewardess lioness tigress princess waitress 39
Many nouns are used for both males and females.
Word File Nouns like these are used for both males and females:
accountants artists designers engineers lawyers
m ar H elp
parents managers pupils singers teachers
We call these nouns common-gender nouns.
Words for things that are neither male nor female are called neuter nouns. leaves
fire mirror
Word File Here are some neuter nouns:
ball building broom cake computer card floor 41
forest gymnasium playground rock sky socks wind
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with the correct masculine or feminine nouns.
1 master 2 uncle 3
5 tiger 6 7 husband 8 son
Exercise 2
Fill in each blank with a suitable masculine or feminine noun.
1 The host and the ____________ welcomed their guests. 2 The steward and the ____________ look after the passengers on the plane. 3 My uncle and ________ lived in Nebraska. 4 The king and the _________ had two children, a boy and a ________. The prince was eight and the _____________ was five. 5 Ladies and ______________ , welcome to our party this evening. 42
Exercise 3 Look at the words in the box. Write each word under its correct heading.
children boy mother lamp ram
sun son queen doctor rooster
witch father file dancer elf
king girl teacher wizard fish
Common Gender
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a common noun or a proper noun. There are different kinds of pronouns.
Personal Pronouns The words I, you, he, she, it, we and they are called personal pronouns. They take the place of nouns and are used as the subject of the verb in a sentence. My name is David. I am the youngest in the family. This is my father. He is a teacher. This is my mother. She is a lawyer. I have a brother and two sisters. They are Peter, Sharon and Jenny. I have a dog. It is called Lucky. Lucky, you are a good dog. Good morning, children! You may sit down now.
m ar H elp
My family and I live in a big city. We have an apartment.
The subject of a sentence is the person, animal, place or thing that does the action shown by the verb. 44
The words me, you, him, her, it, us and them are also personal pronouns. They also take the place of nouns. These pronouns are used as the object of the verb in a sentence. I am standing on my head. Look at me. My mother is kind. Everybody likes her. Lisa, I told you to tidy your bed! Sharon and Jenny! Dad is waiting for you! Lucky and I are playing in the park. Dad is watching us. You must not play with the knife. Give it to me. Pick up your toys and put them away.
Tom likes riding my bicycle. I sometimes lend it to him.
m ar H elp
Baby birds cannot fly. Mother bird has to feed them.
The object of a sentence is the person, animal, place or thing that receives the action shown by the verb. 45
m ar H elp
There are three groups of pronouns: first person, second person and third person.
The person speaking is called the first person. The first-person pronouns are I or me (in the singular) and we or us (in the plural). The person spoken to is called the second person. The second-person pronoun is you (in both singular and plural). The person (or animal, or thing) spoken about is called the third person. The third-person pronouns are he or him, she or her, and it (in the singular), and they or them (in the plural). The word I is always spelled with a capital letter. The pronoun he is used for men and boys, she for women and girls, and it for things and animals. Here is a table to help you.
First person singular Second person singular Third person singular
I you he she it
me you him her it
First person plural Second person plural Third person plural
we you they
us you them
Reflexive Pronouns The words myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves and themselves are called reflexive pronouns. They refer to the person or animal that is the subject of the verb. I made this cake myself. Be careful with the knife. You’ll cut yourself. Michael is looking at himself in the mirror. Susan has hurt herself. Our cat washes itself after each meal. We organized the party all by ourselves. Come in, children, and find yourselves a seat.
m ar H elp
Baby birds are too young to look after themselves.
Here is a table to remind you about reflexive pronouns.
First person Second person Third person
(I,me) myself (you) yourself (he, him) himself (she, her) herself (it) itself
(we,us) ourselves (you) yourselves (they, them) themselves (they, them) themselves (they, them) themselves
Interrogative Pronouns The words who, whom, whose, what and which are called interrogative pronouns. These pronouns are used to ask questions.
Who Who is he talking to? Who are those people?
Whom are you playing with? Whom is he talking to?
Which of these bags is yours? Which do you prefer?
Whose is this umbrella? Whose are these gloves?
m ar H elp
What is your dog’s name? What are you talking about? What is the time? Who can be used as the object of a verb as well as the subject. Whom is used only as the object. For example, you can say: Who are you playing with? or Whom are you playing with? 48
Demonstrative Pronouns The words this, these, that and those are called demonstrative pronouns. They are showing words. Those are goats. That is John’s house. That is a mountain. Those are horses. What are those? We can do better than that. No, that’s not mine. You mean you won? That’s amazing! Hello, who is that speaking, please? Hello, is that you, George?
These are sheep.
m ar H m a
This is my house. This is a hill. These are donkeys. What is this? Did you drop this? Hi, Jane! This is Michael!
You use this and these when you point to things near you. You use that and those when you point to things farther away.
Demonstrative pronouns can be singular or plural: Singular this that 49
Plural these those
Exercise 1
Draw a line to join each of the subject pronouns to the object pronoun that matches.
you we
him it
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns. 1 Peter and I are brothers. _______ share a bedroom together. 2 Sue isn’t well. Dad is taking _______ to see a doctor. 3 My brother is a teacher. _______ teaches English. 4 All his students like _______ very much. 5 Children, _______ are making too much noise! 6 Who are those people? Where are _______ from? 7 Mom is a doctor. _______ works in a hospital. 8 The sky is getting dark. _______ is going to rain. 9 John, we are all waiting for _______. Are you coming with _______? 10 May _______ borrow your pen? 11 Yes, of course. When can you return _______ to _______? 12 What are _______ reading, Jenny? 50
Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns from the box. yourselves himself
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
themselves yourself
itself ourselves
myself herself
No one can help us. We have to help ____________. Jane always makes the bed by ____________. They painted the wall all by ____________. I hurt ____________ in the playground yesterday. John, you must behave __________ before your friends. Children, you must do the homework ____________. Tom defended ____________ against the bullies. The dog is scratching ____________.
Exercise 4
Write the correct interrogative pronouns in the blanks to complete the sentences: 1 _______ is the matter with you? 2 _______ invented the computer? 3 _______ of the twins is older? 4 _______ do you wish to speak to? 5 _______ is this car in front of our house? 6 _______ knows the answer? 7 _______ came first, the chicken or the egg? 8 _______ would you like to drink? 9 _______ of them do you think will win the race? 10 _______ is the word for a stamp collector? 51
An adjective is a describing word. It tells you more about a noun. An adjective usually appears before the noun it describes. Sometimes, though, the adjective appears after the noun, later in the sentence.
a smart dog an old building
a busy street a dark corner a deep sea a large bed It is windy. John’s handwriting is very neat. The sea is rough. All the players are very tall. The baby’s hands are very small. Sue’s drawing is beautiful. That problem is too difficult. Peter is very quiet today. 52
a tall basketball player
a low fence
Exercise 1
Underline the adjectives in the following sentences. 1 There is an empty room upstairs. 2 It’s a hot summer. 3 You are so kind. 4 Don’t be crazy. 5 This park is clean and green. 6 Many people exercise to keep healthy. 7 I think these eggs are rotten. 8 We are all bored. There isn’t anything to do. 9 The pupils don’t find the joke amusing. 10 James was absent because he was ill.
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives from the box.
hot high
large sweet
short free poor playful
The ice cream is very _________.
2 It’s very _________ in summer.
3 The company is giving away _________ gifts to its customers. 4 They live in a _________ house. 5 Jean is wearing a _________ skirt. 6 The climbers are climbing up a _________ mountain. 7 These puppies are very _________. 8 Many _________ people have no home. 53
Adjective Endings Adjectives have different endings. Some adjectives end in -ful or -less. a beautiful dress
playful puppies
a careless driver a faithful dog a harmless insect a useful tool
m ar H m a
homeless people
careful colorful
An adjective that ends in -less is the opposite of the same adjective that ends in -ful. For example:
– careless – colorless
useful – useless harmful – harmless
The -ful ending means having a lot of something. For example: painful hopeful
= =
having a lot of pain having a lot of hope
The -less ending means without. For example: leafless = without leaves sleeveless = without sleeves 54
Some adjectives end in -y.
a dirty street a noisy room an oily pot a sleepy passenger a sunny day
a stormy sea
a muddy path
Some adjectives end in -ive. an expensive necklace an active child an attractive hat a creative toy
talkative pupils
Some adjectives end in -ing. a caring nurse an interesting book loving parents matching clothes a smiling face
a cunning fox
dazzling sunshine 55
Some adjectives end in -ly.
a daily newspaper
a friendly police officer
m ar H elp
a costly diamond ring an elderly woman lively kittens a lonely boy a lovely girl a weekly magazine
Many adverbs also end in -ly.
Here are some adjectives with the endings -able, -al, -en, -ible, -ish and -ous. a broken chair
a famous pop singer childish behavior a comfortable chair a dangerous place a foolish act a horrible smell a loveable koala
a national costume a musical instrument a terrible mess a woolen sweater a wooden table 56
a poisonous snake
Exercise 1
Add the correct endings to turn these words into adjectives.
1 peace
6 dirt
2 storm
7 music
3 mud
8 nation
4 forget
9 dust
5 spot
10 play
Exercise 2
Add the correct endings to turn these words into adjectives.
-en -ish
-y -ous
-ing -ly
1 wind
6 fool
2 gold
7 charm
3 friend
8 child
4 rot
9 love
5 danger
10 interest 57
Kinds of Adjectives There are different kinds of adjectives. Some adjectives describe the qualities of nouns.
a cold drink
a hot bun
an ugly monster
a fierce dog
a loud crash 58
a beautiful rainbow a clever monkey a difficult question happy children a kind lady a new car an old house a pretty girl a rich family a sad story a strong man a wicked queen
Some adjectives tell you which place or country a person or thing comes from, or belongs to. They are called adjectives of origin.
Chinese kungfu
an Indian temple
a Mexican hat
Dutch clogs Australian apples a Balinese dancer the English language the French flag an Italian car a Japanese garden a Scottish kilt Thai boxing
A Filipino shirt 59
Some adjectives tell you the color of things.
Please get me some white paint.
The sky is gray.
The sea is blue. George is wearing brown shoes. I don’t like green apples. Carrots are orange. Flamingos are pink. Eggplants are purple. Roses are red. 60
Your hands are black!
Some adjectives tell you the size of the nouns they describe. a big hat broad shoulders a high mountain a large ship a long bridge a low ceiling a narrow path small animals tiny insects a wide street
a huge balloon
a fat sumo wrestler a thin boy
a short man
you kn o
The word tall describes people and narrow, upright objects. For example, you can say: a tall girl
a tall bookcase
The word high describes bigger or wider objects that reach a great height. For example, you can say:
a high mountain 61
a high wall
Numbers are adjectives, too. They tell you how many people, animals, or things there are. Sometimes they are called adjectives of quantity.
two princes
one giant
three princesses
four mermaids
five witches
seven elves six fairies nine dwarfs
eight puppets eleven hens twelve geese thirteen birds fourteen mice
ten angels fifteen frogs nineteen lizards sixteen snails twenty butterflies seventeen kittens eighteen ants 62
Other adjectives tell you something about quantity without giving you the exact number.
some soldiers a little ice cream a little rice not many people too much salt lots of insects plenty of money
a lot of books
some food Is there any milk?
a few cups
a few puppies you kn o
Adjectives that tell you about quantity are also called quantifying determiners. 63
Look at the underlined words in the following sentences. Do you know what kinds of adjectives they are? In the blanks write C if the underlined words tell you about color, S if they tell you about size, Ql if they tell you about quality, O if they tell you about origin, or Qn if they tell you about the number or quantity of things.
1 Dad has two pairs of shoes.
2 One pair is brown and the other pair is black.
___ ___
3 This is a very simple puzzle.
4 What color is the American flag?
5 A kind fairy appeared before Cinderella.
6 He is a proud man.
7 There is some food left.
8 Tom is wearing a blue T-shirt.
9 Jack has ten marbles; Peter has twenty.
10 How many marbles have Jack and Peter altogether?
11 There is an Indian temple in the city.
12 There is a large crowd outside the temple.
13 My house is just a few miles from the school.
14 They are driving a small car.
15 Sue likes those yellow and red balloons.
Comparison of Adjectives When you compare two people or things, use the comparative form of the adjective. Lots of comparative adjectives end in -er. faster
cheaper clearer louder newer older richer shorter taller slower thicker
m ar H elp
cheap clear loud new old rich short tall slow thick
The word than is often used with comparative adjectives. For example, you might say: Jack is taller than John. A sports car is faster than a motorbike. 65
Use the superlative form of an adjective to compare three or more nouns. Lots of superlatives end in -est.
thicker thickest
clean cleaner cleanest easy easier easiest fat fatter fattest flat flatter flattest heavy heavier heaviest hot hotter hottest narrow narrower narrowest noisy noisier noisiest simplest simple simpler thin thinner thinnest wet wetter wettest long longer longest m ar H am You often add the before the superlative form. For example, you say: Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Peter is the tallest boy in his class. 66
m ar H elp
4 With adjectives that end in -e, add -r to form
the comparative, and -st to form the superlative. For example: Comparative Superlative close closer closest largest large larger safe safer safest wide wider widest
4 Some adjectives have only one syllable, end with a consonant, and have a single vowel before the consonant. With these adjectives, double the last letter before adding –er to form the comparative, and -est to form the superlative. For example:
bigger dimmer madder sadder
biggest dimmest maddest saddest
big dim mad sad
4 Some adjectives have two syllables and end in -y. With
these adjectives change the y to i. Then add -er to form the comparative, and -est to form the superlative. For example: Comparative Superlative busy dirty happy pretty
busier dirtier happier prettier 67
busiest dirtiest happiest prettiest
With some adjectives, you use more to make the comparative form, and most to make the superlative form.
beautiful active charming cheerful comfortable delicious
more active more charming more cheerful more comfortable more delicious
most beautiful most active most charming most cheerful most comfortable most delicious
you kn
more beautiful
Adjectives that form their comparative and superlative with more and most are usually adjectives with two or more syllables, or sounds. For example: ac-tive ex-pen-sive beau-ti-ful fa-mous charm-ing for-tu-nate cheer-ful in-tel-li-gent com-fort-a-ble pow-er-ful de-li-cious val-u-a-ble 68
The comparative and superlative forms of some adjectives are completely different words.
least worse less more more
worst least most most
m ar H elp
bad few many much
With these adjectives, you don’t add -er or more to form the comparative, or -est or most to form the superlative. 69
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives.
hard cold soft tall rich mad funny big sad busy noisy
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives.
foolish harmful poisonous valuable difficult generous
Determiners are words such as this, those, my, their, which. They are special adjectives that are used before nouns.
The Articles The words a, an and the belong to this group of words called determiners. The words a and an are called indefinite articles. You can use them with singular nouns to talk about any single person or thing. Can you hear a bird singing ?
m ar H elp
Do you wear a uniform to school?
This is a picture of an elephant. Rudy is reading a book. Mom bought me a new dress today. You will need an umbrella when you go out. She eats an apple a day.
The article an is usually used before words beginning with vowels. The article a is used before words beginning with consonants. 71
The word the is called the definite article. Use the before a noun when you are talking about a certain person or thing.
The telephone is ringing.
Where’s the cat? I think she is under the bed.
Tom has won the race.
The ice is melting.
m ar H elp
Granny is sitting in the garden. The street is very busy today. The sky is getting dark.
You also use the before a noun when there is only one. For example: the sun the moon the sky the front door of my house 72
Demonstrative Determiners The words this, that, these and those are determiners. They are used to tell which thing or person you mean. These words are called demonstrative determiners, or demonstrative adjectives.
I am keeping these books. I am selling those books.
This ice cream is delicious. How much is that racket? What is that animal? Bring me that ball. Would you like these apples?
m ar H elp
James lives in this house.
You use this and these to point to people or things near you.
You use that and those to point to people or things that are farther from you. You use this and that before singular nouns. You use these and those before plural nouns. Here’s a table to help you remember the rules:
Singular this that
Plural these those 73
Interrogative Determiners Use the words what, which and whose before nouns to ask about people or things. These words are called interrogative determiners or interrrogative adjectives.
What size do you wear?
What kind of bird is that?
What time is it? What color is her hair? What kind of clothes do you like to wear? Which school do you go to? Which doll is your favorite? Which road leads to the zoo? Which runner is the winner? Do you know which girl won the prize?
Whose footprints are these?
Whose baby is this?
Whose dog was barking in the middle of the night? 74
Possessive Determiners The words my, your, his, her, its, our, their are called possessive determiners or posessive adjectives. Use these words before nouns to say who something belongs to.
I lent Margaret my guitar.
m ar H m a
Is this your house? The dentist asked Robert, your handwriting is difficult to read. Michael is showing his tortoise to his friends. his patient to open her mouth. My sister lost her way in the city. The lion is chasing its prey.
Here is a table to help you remember the possessive determiners.
First person Second person Third person
Singular my your his her its 75
Plural our your their their their
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with a, an or the. 1 __________ owl 7 __________ moon 2 __________ rocket 8 __________ Missouri River 3 __________ apron 9 __________ mango 4 __________ sun
10 __________ animal
5 __________ page
11 __________ eagle
6 __________ computer
12 __________ baby
Exercise 2
Write a, an or the in the blanks to complete the sentences. 1 There is ________ rainbow in ________ sky. 2 Who is ________ man outside ______ gate? 3 ________ doctor gave Jane ________ injection. 4 Paul opened ________ door to let ________ dog in. 5 Mark is ________ only child in _______ family. 6 What’s ______ largest animal in ________ world? 7 There’s ________ nest in ________ tree. 8 Sue is writing ________ letter to her grandfather. 9 Jack has ________ brother and ________ sister. 10 We reached ________ top of ______ hill in two hours. 76
Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks with the correct demonstrative adjectives. 1 Come and look at ________ insects. 2 Stop ________ man! 3 I was in fifth grade last year. I am in sixth grade
________ year.
4 Bring ________ chairs here. 5 ________ ice cream is delicious. 6 Can you see ________ stars in the sky?
Exercise 4
Are the underlined words demonstrative adjectives or demonstrative pronouns? Write DA (for demonstrative adjectives) or DP (for demonstrative pronouns) in the blanks. 1 This house has five bedrooms.
2 Who is that man?
3 This is our school.
4 These are wild animals.
5 That is right.
6 What’s that noise?
7 These books are Jane’s.
8 Those books belong to me.
9 These are donkeys.
10 Those are horses.
_______ 77
Exercise 5
Choose the correct possessive adjectives from the box to fill in the blanks.
my its
his our
your their
1 Is this Jane’s dog? Yes, this is ______ dog. 2 The dog is chasing ________ own tail. 3 Peter, is ________ father at home? 4 Rudy is showing ________ stamps to Ali. 5 I am going to ________ aunt’s house this evening. 6 We always keep ________ classroom clean. 7 Children, have you all finished ________ homework? 8 The children are proud of ________ school.
Exercise 6
Choose the correct interrogative adjectives from the box to fill in the blanks.
1 ________ kind of animal is that? 2 ________ runner is the winner? 3 ________ is the matter? 4 ________ desk is this? 5 ________ handphone is ringing? 6 ________ is your name? 7 ________ twin is taller? 8 ________ hand is holding the pebble? 78
Verbs and Tenses
Most verbs are action words. They tell you what people, animals or things are doing. knock
burst climb
Word File act bake bend buy close cook cross fall fly go grow hop
jump move pull run shout sing sit slide stand start swim walk
The Simple Present Tense The simple present tense expresses a general truth or a customary action.
The sun rises in the east. Uncle Joe wears glasses.
Ducks love water.
The children go to school by bus.
Mary enjoys singing. Peter sometimes lends me his bike. Cows eat grass. Monkeys like bananas. Tom collects stamps. The earth goes around the sun. It often snows in winter. We always wash our hands before meals. We eat three meals a day. Father takes the dog for a walk every morning. 80
Use the simple present tense to talk about things that are planned for the future.
Melanie starts school tomorrow.
Next week I go to summer camp.
The train departs in five minutes. We join the senior scout troop in July this year. My big brother leaves school at 4 o’clock. The new supermarket opens next Friday. The new grammar book comes out in September. Grandad retires next year. We fly to London next Thursday. The plane lands at 5:30 P.M. We move to our new house in a month. My big sister begins her summer job next week. 81
Exercise 1
Underline the verbs in the following sentences. 1 The children go to school by bus. 2 Bats sleep during the day. 3 These toys belong to Kathy. 4 Every pupil has a good dictionary. 5 Polar bears live at the North Pole. 6 Most children learn very fast. 7 Mr. Thomas teaches us science. 8 The earth goes around the sun. 9 We never cross the street without looking. 10 Many stores close on Sunday.
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense of the verbs in parentheses. 1 Winter ________ after autumn. (come) 2 A dog ________. (bark) 3 You ________ tired. (look) 4 Everyone ________ mistakes. (make) 5 Ali ________ in a department store. (work) 6 Judy ________ English very well. (speak) 7 Tim’s knee ________. (hurt) 8 Monkeys ________ bananas. (like) 9 Kate always ________ sandwiches for lunch. (eat) 10 He ________ very fast. (type) 82
Am, Is and Are The words am, is, are are also verbs, but they are not action words. They are the simple present tense of the verb be. Use am with the pronoun I, and is with the pronouns he, she and it. Use are with the pronouns you, we and they.
It is a donkey. It is not a horse.
It is very hot today. It is not very comfortable.
the verb ‘be’
I am Peter. I am not Paul.
She is Miss Lee. She is a teacher. He is my father. He is a doctor. He is not a lawyer. You are a stranger. You are not my friend. We are in the same class, but we are not on the same team. They are good friends. They are not enemies. 83
m ar H elp
Here’s a table to help you remember how to use am, is and are:
First person Second person Third person
I am you are he is she is it is
we are you are they are they are they are
Learn these short forms called contractions: I am you are he is she is it is am not is not are not
= = = = = = = =
I’m they are = they’re you’re we are = we’re he’s she’s it’s aren’t (only in questions) isn’t aren’t
In questions, use aren’t as a contraction of am not. For example, you can say:
I’m taller than you, aren’t I?
But in a statement you say:
I’m not as old as you.
Use the verb is with singular nouns and are with plural nouns.
The camel is a desert animal.
Lambs are baby sheep.
Vegetables and fruit are healthy foods.
Singular nouns
Kenneth is a lawyer. Rex is a clever dog. A duck is a kind of bird.
The playground is full of people today. My house is near the school. These questions are too difficult. The balloons are very colorful. Those people are very busy. Dad and Mom are in the kitchen. 85
Plural nouns
Use is and are with the word there to say what you can see and hear.
There is a castle on the hill. There are some clouds in the sky.
There is a wasps’ nest in the tree.
There is a fence around the school. There are a lot of books in the library. There are two guards at the gate. Is there any food in the fridge? Are there any apples left on the tree? How much rice is there? There are a few sharks in the bay. There are enough candies for everyone, aren’t there?
m ar H elp
There are two pigeons on the roof.
Learn this contraction: there is
there’s 86
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with am, is or are.
1 They ________ my good friends. 2 He ________ a soldier. 3 You ________ taller than Charlie. 4 She ________ ill. 5 We ________ very hungry. 6 It ________ a sunny day. 7 I ________ angry with Joe. 8 You ________ all welcome to my house.
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with is or are.
1 John’s dog ________ very friendly. 2 Robert ________ ten years old. 3 These flowers ________ very pretty. 4 The two schools ________ close to each other. 5 Math ________ not a very difficult subject. 6 ________ dinner ready? 7 This computer ________ very easy to use. 8 All the windows ________ open. 9 Sue and Jane ________ neighbors. 10 His hair ________ curly. 87
Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with There is or There are. 1 ______________ a fence around the barn. 2 ______________ trees along the road. 3 ______________ a rainbow in the sky. 4 ______________ lots of parks in our town. 5 ______________ nothing in the cupboard. 6 ______________ not many bedrooms in the new house. 7 ______________ lots of mistakes on your test paper. 8 ______________ a wasps’ nest in the tree. 9 ______________ ants in the cookies. 10 ______________ many different kinds of animals
in the zoo.
11 ______________ plenty of food on the table. 12 ______________ a church on the hilltop. 13 ______________ no more water in the pool. 14 ______________ too many people on the beach. 15 ______________ only a few customers in the shop.
The Present Progressive Tense When do you use the present progressive tense? To talk about actions in the present, or things that are still going on or happening now. I am writing a letter. Mom is knitting a sweater for Sally.
The phone is ringing. I’m playing chess with my friend. She’s riding a horse. He’s taking a walk in the park. The man’s counting the money. They are practicing tai chi. We’re rushing to the airport to meet Mr. Smith. They are still sleeping. They are swimming in the sea. What are they doing? What’s happening? Why aren’t you doing your homework? Aren’t I sitting up straight? 89
am is are
m ar H am
+ verb ing
4 Form the present progressive tense like this:
am + present participle is + present participle are + present participle
4 The present participle is the form of a verb ending with
-ing. For example:
show + come +
ing = ing =
showing coming
4 You have to double the last letter of some verbs before
you add -ing. For example:
get + ing = getting rob + ing = robbing nod + ing = nodding stop + ing = stopping jog + ing = jogging swim + ing = swimming
4 Notice that the verbs above are all short verbs of just
one syllable.
They all end with a consonant such as b, d, g, m, p, t and have only one vowel before the consonant.
4 If a verb ends in e, you usually have to drop the e
before you add -ing. For example:
chase cycle drive smile
+ + + +
ing ing ing ing
= = = =
chasing cycling driving smiling
Use the present progressive tense to talk about things you have planned to do, or things that are going to happen in the future. To form the present progressive tense, use am, is and are as helping verbs or auxiliary verbs.
When are you taking me to the zoo?
We are having a barbecue later this evening.
We are going camping tomorrow. I’m starting piano lessons soon. Jim’s parents are taking him to Texas next week. My favorite TV program is starting in a minute. All our friends are coming. Who’s bringing salad for the barbecue? I am. I am visiting Joe next week. Where are you going for your vacation? What are we eating for dinner? 91
Exercise 1
Write the present participle of these verbs on the blanks. 1 come ____________ 7 go
2 run
____________ 8 ask
3 sleep ____________ 9 catch ____________ 4 fall
10 write
5 jump ____________
11 drop
6 climb ____________
12 bring ____________
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with the present progressive tense of the verbs in parentheses. 1 They ________________ the roller-coaster ride. (enjoy) 2 Jill ________________ her hair. (wash) 3 It ________________ dark. (get) 4 The dentist ________________ Sue’s teeth. (examine) 5 The train ________________ through the tunnel. (pass) 6 The men _______________ very hard in the sun. (work) 7 What _________ the theater _________ today? (show) 8 We ________________ a snowman. (make) 9 The plane ________________ above the clouds. (fly) 10 The teachers ________________ a meeting. (have) 92
Have and Has The verbs have and has are used to say what people own or possess. They are also used to talk about things that people do or get, such as illnesses. These words are the simple present tense of the verb have.
Peter has a sore knee.
We have breakfast at 7:00 A.M.
He has a lot of stamps. She has long hair. Our house has large windows. I have a younger brother. We have art lessons on Mondays. Have a cookie, if you like. Dad has a cold. Jenny often has sandwiches for lunch. 93
Monkeys have long tails.
m ar H elp
Use has with he, she, it, and with singular nouns. Use have with I, you, we, they, and with plural nouns. Here is a table to help you remember the rules:
Singular Plural
First person Second person Third person
I have you have he has she has it has
Learn these contractions:
I have you have he has she has it has we have they have
= = = = = = =
I’ve you’ve he’s she’s it’s we’ve they’ve
have not has not
= =
haven’t hasn’t
we have you have they have they have they have
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with have or has. 1 We ________ a new science teacher. 2 He ________ a bad temper. 3 I often ________ fruit for dessert. 4 You ________ a good chance of winning the prize. 5 She always ________ oatmeal for breakfast. 6 The broom ________ a blue handle. 7 They never ________ any problem with tests.
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with have or has. 1 The girls ________ golden hair. 2 An insect ________ six legs. 3 Dad ________ his cell phone with him. 4 The children ________ a new swing set. 5 Many poor people ________ nothing to eat. 6 Chicago ________ a very big airport. 7 A triangle ________ three sides. 8 The man ________ two daughters. 9 James ________ a toothache. 10 All the passengers ________ their tickets. 95
The Present Perfect Tense Use the present perfect tense to talk about happenings in the past that explain or affect the present. The verbs have and has are used as “helping” or auxiliary verbs to form the present perfect tense.
Sam has scored two goals. I’ve just finished my shower. It’s been very wet today.
Uncle Tom has lost his wallet. John has gone out. The Lees have moved to Ohio.
Kim’s cut her finger.
It has not rained for months. Have you found your keys yet? Tim has made two spelling mistakes.
m ar H elp
They have opened a new shop.
To form the present perfect tense join have or has to the past participle of the verb:
have has
+ past participle + past participle
The past participle of a regular verb usually ends in -ed, just like the simple past tense. But the past participles of irregular verbs don’t follow this rule. 96
Exercise 1
Write the past participle of these verbs on the blanks. 1 break _______________ 6 buy _______________ 2 drink _______________ 7 find _______________ 3 cut
_______________ 8 draw _______________
4 do
_______________ 9 hear _______________
5 sing _______________ 10 know _______________
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with the present perfect tense of the verbs in parentheses. 1 Dad ______________ his car key. (lose) 2 All the guests ______________. (arrive) 3 Tony ______________ a goal. (score) 4 Peter _____________ in the tent several times. (sleep) 5 It ____________ not ____________ for two months. (rain) 6 Some prisoners ______________ from the prison. (escape) 7 The plane ______________ at the airport. (land) 8 John ______________ a puppet. (make) 9 Dad and I ______________ a big fish. (catch) 10 I ______________ this movie twice. (see) 97
The Simple Past Tense Use the simple past tense to talk about things that happened in the past. The simple past tense is also used to talk about things that happened in stories.
The wicked Queen gave Snow White a poisoned apple.
Pinocchio’s nose grew longer every time he told a lie. Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago.
I bought a new camera last week. Joe learned to play the guitar very quickly. We drove to the safari park last weekend. The giant panda gave birth to a cub last night. Yesterday Dad took me to the carnival. The plane landed a few minutes ago. The children visited a farm during the holidays. Who invented the computer? Jack and Jill went up the hill. Little Red Riding Hood decided to visit her grandmother. The Three Bears found Goldilocks asleep in their house. 98
Regular and Irregular Verbs The simple past tense of most verbs ends in -ed. These verbs are called regular verbs.
Spelling File Base Form aim bake open happen pull push scold shout visit wait walk work
Simple Past aimed baked opened happened pulled pushed scolded shouted visited waited walked worked
Who closed all the windows?
It snowed last night.
Mom opened the door for us. Sally petted the dog. That event happened long ago. We visited our uncle last week. They walked to school together yesterday. They worked until twelve last night. Dad tried to fix the light. William Tell aimed at the apple on his son’s head. 99
m ar H elp
4 The simple past tense is usually formed by adding -ed
to the verb. For example: jump + ed = jumped laugh + ed = laughed
lift + ed = lifted look + ed = looked
4 If the verb ends with -e, just add -d. For example: agree + d = agreed die + d = died
hate + d = hated live + d = lived
4 Remember these spelling rules:
You must double the last letter of some verbs before adding -ed. For example: fan + ed = fanned grab + ed = grabbed nod + ed = nodded
pat + ed = patted rip + ed = ripped slam + ed = slammed
4 Notice that the verbs above are all short verbs of just
one syllable. They all end with a consonant such as b, d, m, n, p, t, and have only a single vowel before the consonant.
4 With verbs that end in -y, change the y to i before
adding -ed. For example: bury + ed = buried carry + ed = carried cry + ed = cried
fry + ed = fried hurry + ed = hurried try + ed = tried
The simple past form of some verbs does not end in -ed. Such verbs are called irregular verbs. The simple past tense of some irregular verbs does not change at all.
David hurt his foot when he jumped over the drain.
The worker cut down the tree this morning.
Spelling File Base Form beat burst cost cut hit hurt put read split shut
Her ring cost only 10 dollars. He hit the ball over the net. Dad read to us last night. He shut the door. I put some sugar in my coffee. 101
Simple Past beat burst cost cut hit hurt put read split shut
Most irregular verbs, however, take a different form in the simple past tense.
Spelling File Base Form bend break bring buy fall fly get hear keep lose sell shoot sleep
Sam bent the stick in two.
Simple Past bent broke brought bought fell flew got heard kept lost sold shot slept
Tom shot and scored a goal. I lost my pen on the bus. We sold our car last week. The baby slept right thought the night. Peter got a watch for his birthday. I heard a noise in the night. He brought his pet mouse to school. My book fell off the desk. 102
A bird flew into the classroom.
Exercise 1
Write the simple past tense of these verbs on the blanks. 1 take
____________ 7 tell
2 walk ____________ 8 write
3 rain
____________ 9 sit
4 shut
10 read
5 open ____________
11 close ____________
6 cry
12 cook
Exercise 2 Fill in the blanks with the correct simple past tense of the verbs in parentheses. 1 She ___________ home alone. (go) 2 The wind ___________ throughout the night. (blow) 3 An apple ___________ on his head. (drop) 4 The Princess’s ball ___________ into the well. (roll) 5 A frog __________ into the well and ___________ it back to her. (jump/bring) 6 Jack ___________ the highest grade in his English class. (get) 7 The party ___________ at 8:00 P.M. (begin) 8 He __________ his old car and __________ a new one. (sell/buy) 9 Jack ___________ up the ladder carefully. (climb) 10 Who ___________ all the windows? (shut) 103
Was and Were The verbs was and were are also forms of the verb be. Was is the simple past tense of am and is. Use was with the pronouns I, he, she and it, and with singular nouns. Edison was a famous inventor.
Beethoven was a German composer. Sue was at the library this morning. It was very wet on Monday. Ten years ago she was only a baby. He was not well yesterday. Last year she wasn’t tall enough to reach the high shelf. Samantha was second in the race, wasn’t she?
Were is the simple past tense of are. Use were with the pronouns you, we and they, and with plural nouns. These were my best jeans. The Romans were brave soldiers. They were third in the wheelbarrow race. There weren’t any clouds in the sky. Were you still in bed when I phoned? We were on the same school team. Those were my best jeans. 104
m ar H elp
Here is a table to help you remember the rules:
First person Second person Third person
I was you were he was she was it was
Plural we were you were they were they were they were
Here’s a table to show you the different forms of the verb be:
Simple Present
Simple Past
First person singular Second person singular Third person singular
am are is
was were was
First person plural Second person plural Third person plural
are are are
were were were
Learn these contractions:
was not = wasn’t were not = weren’t
The Past Progressive Tense Use the past progressive tense to talk about actions that were going on at a certain moment in the past.
m ar H elp
Mary was waiting for the bus when Peter passed by.
Miss May was cleaning the chalkboard. Sally was packing her books into her schoolbag. Jenny and I were tidying the classroom. The twins were fighting in the corner. Michael and John were washing the paint brushes. Mom was cooking our supper when I came home.
You form the past progressive tense like this: was + present participle were + present participle
In the examples above, was and were are called helping verbs, or auxiliary verbs. They help to form the past progressive tense when you join them to the present participle (the form of verbs ending in -ing) . For example: Ben was doing his homework. Peter was making a model of a bridge. 106
+ was were
verb ing
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with was or were. 1 We ________ the champions last year. 2 Where is James? He ________ here just now. 3 Mom and Dad ________ on vacation last week. 4 The weather ________ fine this morning. 5 There ________ a lot of people at our party yesterday. 6 There ________ a small lake here many years ago. 7 He ________ sick yesterday. 8 Don’t blame him. It ________ my mistake.
Exercise 2
When Miss May walked into the class what were the children doing? Fill in the blanks with the correct past progressive tense of the verbs in brackets. 1 James ______________ to Peter. (talk) 2 Sue ______________ a storybook. (read) 3 Rudy ______________ the chalkboard. (erase) 4 David ______________ his math exercise. (do) 5 Peter ______________ Joe his new watch. (show) 6 Jane ______________ a horse in her notebook. (draw) 7 Ahmad ______________ for his pencil. (look) 8 Some children ______________ a lot of noise. (make)
The Future Tense Use the future tense for things that have not happened yet, but are going to happen. Use the verbs shall and will as helping verbs or auxiliary verbs to form the future tense.
I shall be eight years old next year. The weatherman says it will rain this afternoon.
They will finish the job next week.
We shall play a game of chess after lunch. You will be sick if you eat too much. I hope it won’t rain tomorrow. Sharon is ill. She will not be at the party. You will enjoy visiting New Zealand. Dad will be back for dinner. He will make lots of friends at his new school. 108
m ar H elp
Use shall or will with I and we. Use will with you, he, she, it and they. Here is a table to help you remember the rules:
First person Second person Third person
I shall I will you will he will she will it will
Plural we shall we will you will they will they will they will
Learn these contractions: I shall = I’ll I will = I’ll you will = you’ll he will = he’ll she will = she’ll it will = it’ll
we shall = we’ll we will = we’ll they will = they’ll shall not = shan’t will not = won’t
you he she
I we
There are other ways of talking about future actions and happenings. You can use going to.
We are going to bake a cake this afternoon. I’m sure Mom and Dad are going to be proud of me. When are you going to clean your room?
I think I’m going to be sick.
They are going to wash the car for Dad. It is going to get dark very soon.
You can also use the simple present tense to talk about things that have been arranged for the future. The new supermarket opens tomorrow.
The bus leaves in ten minutes.
James moves to the second grade next year. The new school year starts on Monday. Next month I go to summer camp. We have a history test next week. 110
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with the correct future tense of the verbs in brackets, using shall or will. 1 You __________ fat if you eat too many desserts. (grow) 2 The new school building ___________ ready soon. (be) 3 We ___________ to the zoo after breakfast. (go) 4 I ___________ my bath before dinner. (take) 5 Peter ___________ lots to do on his grandmother’s farm. (find) 6 If we ask her, she ___________ us how to play chess. (teach) 7 If he works hard, he ___________ his exams. (pass) 8 ___________ we ___________ home now? (go)
Exercise 2
Complete these sentences by changing shall or will to the appropriate form of the verb be + going to (i.e., am, is, or are + going to). 1 They will be busy tomorrow. They ______________ be busy tomorrow. 2 I hope I will be ready on time. I hope I ______________ be ready on time. 3 We shall visit James this evening. We ______________ visit James this evening. 4 It will rain soon. It ______________ rain soon. 5 Dad will take us to the movies tomorrow. Dad ______________ take us to the movies tomorrow. 111
Can and Could The verbs can and could are both helping or auxiliary verbs. Use can and could to talk about people’s ability to do things. Can and could are used with the pronouns I, you, he, she, it, we and they, and with singular or plural nouns. Could is the past tense of can. He can run faster than Arthur. She cannot afford such an expensive ring. I’m full. I can’t eat any more.
Jack ran as far as he could.
Can you help me? Can I come with you? I knew you could do it if you tried. She could not come because she was ill. Miss Lee said we could go home early.
All the King’s men could not put Humpty Some birds cannot fly. Dumpty together again. you kn o
People often use can when they are asking for permission to do something. For example: Can I use your pen? Yes, here it is.
When you put not after can, you write it as one word: cannot Learn these contractions: cannot = can’t could not = couldn’t 112
May and Might May and might are helping or auxiliary verbs, too. 4 Use may to ask if you are allowed to do something, or to give someone permission to do something. May I watch television now? Yes, you may.
May I borrow your pen? You may come in. You may go now.
4 May is also used to talk about things that are likely to happen. If it continues to rain, there may be a flood.
I may go to Sue’s birthday party if I’m free. You may fall down if you aren’t careful.
Take an umbrella. It may rain.
4 Might is used as the past tense of may.
m ar H elp
He realized he might catch the earlier train if he hurried. I knew my teacher might find out. You can also use might to talk about things that are possible. For example: Put your purse away or it might get stolen. You might slip, so hold on to the railing. 113
Exercise Fill in the blanks with can, could, may or might. 1
________ you jump over the hurdle?
2 We ran as fast as we ________. 3 Some people ________ speak three languages. 4 Jean ________ dance quite well. 5 The man is shouting. He ________ need help. 6 If you hurry you ________ catch the train. 7 Dave doesn’t look well. He ________ have a fever. 8 The baby is crying. She ________ be hungry. 9 ________ I borrow your bike? 1 0 I don’t know where Jane is. You ________ find her in the library. 11 ________ you drive? 12 Who ________ answer the question? 13 ________ you show me the way to the zoo? 14 He ________ play the piano.
Do, Does and Did Use do, does and did to talk about actions. Use do with the pronouns I, you, we and they, and with plural nouns. Use does with the pronouns he, she and it, and singular nouns. Did is the simple past tense of do and does.
Dad does the dishes.
Mom does the cooking. We always do exercise together.
He does such interesting work. They do amazing tricks.
Sally did her hair in front of the mirror. They did the dusting and cleaning. Jane did all the laundry by herself.
Who did this drawing? Henry did. 115
You did well in the test. I did poorly on my exam.
I you we they
m ar H m a
4 Here’s a table to remind you about the use of do and does:
First person Second person Third person
I do you do he does she does it does
we do you do they do they do they do
4 Here’s a table to remind you about the use of the verb did:
First person Second person Third person
I did you did he did she did it did
we did you did they did they did they did
4 Learn these contractions:
do not does not did not
= = =
don’t doesn’t didn’t
he she it
You can also use do, does and did as helping verbs to ask and answer questions.
Do ducks like water? Yes, they do.
Where did you find the wallet?
Do you like ice cream? Yes, I do. Does it rain often here? Yes, it does. Does he enjoy music? Yes, he does. Did it snow last night? No, it didn’t. Who wants to come with me to the zoo? We all do! What do you want for lunch? Who broke this vase? Peter did! Does Ken often come home late? Yes, he does. Why did he leave so suddenly? Does everyone have a dictionary? 117
Use do not, does not and did not to make other verbs negative.
The baby does not look very happy. Dad did not catch his train. The garden looks lovely, doesn’t it? Yes, it does. Cats do not like water. I don’t enjoy difficult math tests. Sophie doesn’t want to go to school. He didn’t get to the station in time. Don’t you have a ticket? No, I don’t. Don’t they go to the gym on Mondays? Yes, they do. Didn’t they win? No, they didn’t. You didn’t draw that picture yourself, did you? Did you see the rainbow? No, I didn’t. Do not forget to switch off the air conditioner. Don’t tell lies! 118
Exercise Fill in the blanks with do, does or did. 1 The shoes were too small. They ________ not fit me. 2 Jack ________ not do well on the exam last week. 3 Where ________ eggs come from? 4 The vase is broken. Who ________ that? 5 What ________ this word mean? 6 How ________ the computer work? 7 ________ he drink coffee? 8 Who ________ that drawing? 9 Where ________ you buy that dress? 10 How ________ you spell your name? 11 ________ not play on a busy street! 12 ________ your work quietly! 13 ________ a snake have legs? 14 He ________ not have any brothers. 15 ________ cats like to eat fish?
Would and Should The verb would is another helping or auxiliary verb. Use would as the past tense of will.
m ar H elp
We started running so we would get there in time.
Peter said he would come. I knew you would enjoy Disneyland. The Prince said he would only marry a true princess. John and Sue said they would meet me at the airport. He promised he wouldn’t forget her birthday.
It is polite to use would like when you are offering people things, or asking for something yourself. For example:
Would you like a cup of coffee? I am tired now. I’d like a rest. You’d like a meal now, wouldn’t you? What color would you like? you kn o
When they are accepting an offer, people often use would love instead of would like. For example: Would you like a chocolate? Yes, please, I would love one. 120
Should is a helping or auxiliary verb. Use should to talk about necessary actions or things that people ought to do.
Children should not play in traffic.
You should always look before crossing the street.
If you are tired you should go to bed early. You should know how to spell your own name. We should all drink more water. You should do more exercise. Should I turn off the computer when I’m not using it? Shouldn’t you tell your Mom if you’re going out?
m ar H elp
We should always thank people for presents, shouldn’t we?
Learn these contractions:
I would = I’d you would = you’d he would = he’d she would = she’d
we would = they would = should not = would not =
we’d they’d shouldn’t wouldn’t
Fill in the blanks with would or should. 1 Every student ________ have a good dictionary. 2 ________ you like some coffee? 3 Yes, I ________ love a cup of coffee. 4 We ________ all learn good table manners. 5 We ________ like to go outdoors if it stops raining. 6 John said he ________ help me with science. 7 ________ you like to play a game with me? 8 Children ________ not watch too much television. 9 You ________ not play with fire. 10 He promised he ________ meet me after school. 11 We ________ not waste water. 12 You ________ all pay attention in class. 13 What ________ we do now? 14 ________ you help if I asked? 15 Of course, I ________ help you!
Subject-Verb Agreement
When you write a sentence you must make sure that the subject and the verb agree. If the subject is a singular noun, or the pronoun he, she or it, you need a singular verb.
She enjoys music.
She shares her books with her friends.
The zookeeper is feeding the animals. The children are playing on the swings. The earth moves round the sun. Dad always drives to work. The clerk is wrapping a package. Does everyone know the answer? Mom has bought a dress for Sara. 123
It is snowing.
Use a plural verb if the subject is a plural noun, or the pronoun we, you or they.
All birds lay eggs.
The two girls always walk home together.
The children are playing on the swing.
The stars shine brightly on a clear night. Mom and Dad love us a lot. Do you all know the words? We have finished our game of tennis. They have both worked very hard. 124
Collective nouns may be used with either singular or plural verbs. If the group members are all acting together as one, use a singular verb. If the members of the group are acting as individuals, use a plural verb.
The audience are laughing.
The band is playing.
Singular That family has moved to Texas. The team is coached by Mr. Clark. Plural The family were giving their opinions. The team are sharing new ideas.
m ar H elp
Our team has won.
Some plural nouns, such as people, cattle, police, don’t end with -s. Always use a plural verb with these nouns. For example: People like to be praised. The cattle are in the field. The police have caught the thief. 125
Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with verbs that match the subjects. Use the correct form of the simple present tense of the verbs in parentheses. 1 I always ________ to school with my brother. (go) 2 Mark always ________ to school with his brother. (go) 3 You ________ the answer. (know) 4 Luis ________ the answer, too. (know) 5 This book ________ very few drawings. (have) 6 These books ________ lots of beautiful drawings. (have) 7 Anne ________ my sister. (be) 8 Pat and Alice ________ good at English. (be)
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with verbs that match the subjects. Use the correct form of the simple present tense of the verbs in parentheses. 1 A tiger ________. (roar) 2 All birds ________ eggs. (lay) 3 Dad ________ listening to music. (like) 4 Uncle Bob ________ his car every day. (wash) 5 She ________ all the answers. (know) 6 There ________ twelve months in a year. (be) 7 The twins often ________ . (fight) 8 Our parents ________ us. (love) 126
An adverb is a word that describes a verb. It tells you about an action, or the way something is done. A lot of adverbs end in -ly.
The baby is sleeping soundly. They laughed loudly. The dog is barking fiercely.
Spelling File
Alice skated beautifully.
Adjective beautiful brave bright fierce happy heavy loud peaceful slow sound sweet
The Prince and the Princess lived happily ever after. The birds are singing sweetly. It is raining heavily. The dog and the cat live together peacefully. The soldiers fought bravely. The sun is shining brightly.
m ar H elp
The old man walked slowly.
Adverb beautifully bravely brightly fiercely happily heavily loudly peacefully slowly soundly sweetly
Many adverbs are made by adding –ly to adjectives. 127
Some adverbs describe the way something is done. They are called adverbs of manner.
The driver braked suddenly.
The parcel arrived safely.
The dog jumped up playfully.
Please write legibly.
Spelling File
Please speak clearly. Look closely at these footprints. You have all answered correctly. You can shop cheaply at this store. Jamal dressed smartly for the party. Maria is behaving selfishly. The man drove carelessly. The twins liked to dress differently. She played skillfully. 128
Adjective careless cheap clear close correct different playful safe selfish skillful smart
Adverb carelessly cheaply clearly closely correctly differently playfully safely selfishly skillfully smartly
Some adverbs describe when something happens. They are called adverbs of time.
Can I do my work later? No, do it now.
Paul has just arrived.
He often swims in the evening. Lisa is always cheerful. Sometimes I ride my bike to school. Everyone arrived early. David arrived late. It’s snowing again. The mother bird started to build her nest yesterday. She is continuing to build it today. She will finish it tomorrow. John’s shoes were too big for him last year. They fit him this year. They will be too small for him next year. It rained last night. The weather is fine this morning. 129
Some adverbs tell you where something happens. They are called adverbs of place. Mom and Dad are watching television upstairs.
The children are playing downstairs.
It’s raining. Let’s go inside.
Rex, you can stay outside. Come here! Please put the books there. The workers are moving the rubbish away. The miners are working underground. They are going abroad to study. There are trees everywhere. Alice lived next door. Where’s Shamika? 130
Exercise 1
Rewrite the following adjectives as adverbs.
1 slow
____________ 7 cool
2 beautiful ____________ 8 comfortable ____________
3 strong
____________ 9 wise
4 tidy
____________ 10 quiet
5 brave
____________ 11 merry
6 soft
____________ 12 busy
Exercise 2
Underline the adverbs in the following sentences. 1 The man shouted loudly. 2 He arrived early. 3 The train has already left. 4 He drove carelessly. 5 The students talked noisily. 6 The children are playing outside. 7 Let’s go now. 8 Tom spoke politely to his teacher. 9 Have you seen Anne’s cat anywhere? 10 Come here! 131
A preposition is a word that connects one thing with another, showing how they are related. Some prepositions tell you about position or place.
There’s a big balloon in the sky.
Jane is jumping into the pool.
The books fell off the shelf.
m ar H elp
Dad always keeps his wallet in the drawer. There is a long mirror on the wall. The school is near the park. There is an old castle on the hill. The horse jumped over the hurdle.
A preposition is usually followed by a noun or pronoun. 132
Some prepositions are used to talk about time.
Many shops close on Sundays.
The trees lose their leaves during winter.
We watched the World Cup game until 2:00 A.M.
We always wash our hands before meals.
We get up in the morning. We go to bed at night. It’s always hot in summer. The movie starts at two in the afternoon. Autumn begins in September. They were married in 1990. Joe arrived after me.
Dad gets home about six in the evening.
It has not rained at all for two weeks. Breakfast is served at seven o’clock. Kevin and Joe have been in the same class since first grade. 133
Exercise 1
Underline the prepositions in the following sentences. 1 The man fell off the ladder. 2 We have dinner at 7:30 P.M. 3 Tom was born on a Friday. 4 There are seven days in a week. 5 Sue is running after her dog. 6 Several people are waiting at the bus stop. 7 I received a letter from Sara yesterday. 8 Why are you still in bed?
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions from the box.
near in
by around
on into
at up
between behind
1 The bus arrived ________ 8:30 A.M. 2 The children are swimming ________ the pool. 3 There’s a picture ________ the wall. 4 There is a fence ________ the house. 5 Granny is sitting ________ fire. 6 Harold is hiding ________ the chair. 7 Jack climbed ________ the beanstalk. 8 We divided the candy ________ us. 9 I dived ______ the river. 10 Don’t go too ________ the edge. 134
A conjunction is a linking word such as and, or, but. Conjunctions are used to connect words or sentences.
The animal is large but timid.
It’s cold, wet and windy today.
m ar H elp
a cat and its kittens a builder and his tools a doctor and a nurse slow but steady sweet or sour? a male or a female? A horse, a zebra or a donkey? Paul has a dog, a parrot and a cat.
Is this a sheep or a goat?
A conjunction may link two or more than two words or sentences. 135
The words before, after, as, when, while, until, since, are also conjunctions. They tell when something happens, so they are called conjunctions of time.
Maggie could play the piano before she was five.
I always brush my teeth after I’ve had my breakfast.
After he began exercising regularly, Jerry became healthier.
You have grown taller since I saw you last.
Look both ways before you cross the street. Joe listened to music while he was doing his homework. Miss Lee was smiling as she walked into the class. Wait here until I come back. Don’t leave until you’ve finished your work. Tran saw an accident while he was walking home. Take all your belongings with you when you leave the plane. Joe first met his wife when he was studying in London. Tom and Joe have been friends since childhood. 136
Exercise 1
Complete these sentences with and, but or or. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I asked for some bread ________ butter. Mr. ________ Mrs. Chen have three children. Maggie is a good singer ________ a poor dancer. We wish you a Merry Christmas ________ a Happy New Year. Is their new baby a boy ________ a girl? The dictionary has 1000 words ________ 200 drawings. Sue is taller than Nat ________ shorter than Mike. Are you going by train ________ by bus?
Exercise 2
Choose the correct conjunctions of time from the box to complete these sentences. when after
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
while since
as until
Jack always brushes his teeth ________ he has eaten a meal. It started to rain ________ the children were playing in the garden. Let’s go home ________ it gets dark. Give this letter to Anne ________ you see her. She has known Jack ________ he was a child. The party began at 8:00 P.M. and lasted ________ midnight. Alice looked unhappy ________ she walked in. 137
An interjection is a word that expresses a sudden, strong feeling such as surprise, pain, or pleasure. Oh dear!
Look out! you kn
Happy Birthday!
Wow! Goodness! Oh! Good! Oh no! Hooray! Thanks! Help! Good luck! Well done! Gosh! Hey! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
Notice that an exclamation point (!) is often used after interjections. 138
What is a Sentence? A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. A sentence must have a subject and a verb, but it may or may not have an object.
Sally Wendy and Kim The hedgehog Maggie It Dad I We They The dentist The old couple Janet
is making are fighting. curled up. is reading is raining. cooked am flying are eating are washing is examining have screamed.
a doll.
a book. dinner. a kite. our breakfast. the dishes. Susan’s teeth. no children.
you kn o
A sentence that makes a statement begins with a capital letter and ends with a period. 139
capital letter
Sentence subject verb
Kinds of Sentences There are four kinds of sentences. 4 A declarative sentence makes a statement. The children are swimming. The telephone rang.
Richard is feeding the hens.
Everyone sat down.
4 An interrogative sentence asks a question. Where are the twins?
What is Richard Are you going shopping today? doing? What is your name?
4 An exclamatory sentence expresses strong emotion. What lovely weather! The silly girl! How stupid I am!
4 An imperative sentence gives an order. Please sit down. Tell me the truth.
Come back!
Speak up! 140
The Imperative Use the base form of a verb to give commands or make direct requests. This use of the verb is called the imperative.
OK, children, open your books to page 25.
Stand, everyone! Tidy your bedroom immediately! Choose a partner! Eat plenty of vegetables. Find some nice round pebbles. Come back soon! Take a sandwich. Come and look at this, Tom!
Imperatives are a very direct way of telling people to do something. Using do or please before an imperative is more polite. Do sit down. Do check these figures again.
Please come in. m m ar H elp
Please help yourselves to some food. Please don’t change anything on my computer.
You can also use the helping verb would to sound polite. For example: Please would you clear the table? Would you please talk quietly? 141
Exercise Look at the groups of words below. Do you know which are sentences and which are not? Put a checkmark in the space next to sentences, and an X next to other word groups. 1 Mrs. Chen is a good teacher. 2 not well today 3 Do the work yourself. 4 How are you? 5 basic rules of grammar 6 bread and butter 7 Welcome to the National Zoo. 8 brush his teeth 9 toys in the box 10 more than one 11 What is the time now? 12 Sit down! 13 Please come here. 14 Mark is sleeping. 15 Open the door.
The Subject and the Object The subject of a sentence sometimes does something to someone or something else. The person or thing that receives the action is called the object.
Dad is cooking supper.
We have built a sandcastle.
has bought
a painting.
is reading
her book.
The twins
the hill.
the cat.
is holding
the baby.
is making
a kite.
were playing
am writing
a story.
the street.
have forgotten
your umbrella.
Direct and Indirect Objects Some verbs have two objects. The direct object receives the action of the verb. The indirect object tells to whom or for whom the action is done. indirect object
direct object
Dad bought James a bike.
Indirect Object
Direct Object
The bank
is making
her doll
a dress.
am writing
a letter.
is reading
a story.
his dog
a bone.
some food.
is showing
his stamps.
Miss Lee
a chair.
Grandma Andrew
m ar H elp
The indirect object usually comes before the direct object. 144
Exercise 1
Read the following sentences. Then draw a line under the subjects and a circle around the objects. 1 Anne has drawn a panda. 2 They are playing table tennis. 3 Little Kate knows the alphabet well. 4 Dad bought a computer. 5 I am writing a letter. 6 Birds have feathers. 7 The workmen are building a house. 8 Samantha has a pretty doll. 9 The children received one gift each. 10 Do you know the answer?
Exercise 2
There are two objects in each sentence. Draw a line under the direct objects and a circle around the indirect objects. 1 Dad gave Dave a present. 2 Mom is making the children a meal. 3 Mr. Thomas bought them ice cream cones. 4 I sent Anne a birthday card. 5 Granny told us a story. 6 The waiter brought the guests their drinks. 7 Can I get you a sandwich? 8 The police officer showed us the way to the museum. 145
Positive and Negative Sentences A positive sentence tells you that something is so. A sentence that tells you something is not so is called a negative sentence. It contains a negative word like not, never, no, no one, nobody, none, or a negative verb like isn’t or can’t or won’t.
Positive sentence
Negative sentence
Peter is running.
He is not walking.
We should tell the truth.
We should never tell lies.
Everyone is in the garden.
There is no one in the house.
The fridge is empty.
There is nothing in it.
It is very cloudy.
It isn’t sunny.
I have sold the last newspaper.
I have no newspapers left.
Someone has eaten all the cookies.
There are none in the bag.
Questions There are two kinds of questions: yes or no questions and wh- questions. 4 You ask a yes or no question to get yes or no as the answer. Use the verbs be, have or do, or any of the helping verbs, to ask yes or no questions. Can you swim? Yes. Is it raining? No.
Are they coming? No. May I come in? Yes.
4 In questions, the helping or auxiliary verbs come before the subject of the sentence. When be and have are used as ordinary verbs, they come before the subjects, too.
m ar H m a
Is Jim ill today? Has she an older brother? Do the cats want to be fed? Should we go now? Will it rain tomorrow? May I use your computer? Can Kate ride a bike?
Jim is ill today. She has an older brother The cats want to be fed. We should go now. It will rain tomorrow. You may use my computer. Kate can ride a bike.
Here are some different ways of asking the same question:
Has he a sister called Jane? Does he have a sister called Jane? Has he got a sister called Jane? 147
Wh- questions usually include the verbs be, have, do, or any of the helping verbs. 4 To ask for facts, use the question words what, which, who, whom, how, when, where. The helping verbs in wh- questions usually come before the subject. So does the verb be when it is used as an ordinary verb.
Where are you? What is David saying? How did you get up here? Why was the girl crying? Which color do you prefer? Who is she going to invite to her party? Whom is she going to invite to her party? What is your problem? When do the stores open in the morning? Where shall I put this box? What have you done to my computer?
Whose dictionary is this?
How am I going to finish all this work? What would you like for dinner?
4 If the wh- question word is the subject of the question, it comes before the verb. For example: Who told you that? What made you change your mind? 148
Exercise 1
Write short answers to the following questions. Example: Is he tall? Yes, he is.
1 Do you know the answer? Yes, ___________. 2 Is Sara at home?
No, ___________.
3 Do they know any grammar?
Yes, ___________.
4 Are all of you coming to my house this evening? Yes, ___________. 5 Is Mrs. Chen your English teacher?
No, __________.
6 Can you dance? No, ___________.
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with the correct question words from the box. where whose
when what
why who
1 ________ is your house? 2 ________ wallet is this? 3 ________ are you always late? 4 ________ wrote this book? 5 ________ of the two boys is smarter? 6 ________ size do you wear? 7 ________ old is he? 8 ________ is Jeff going to get a haircut? 149
how which
Punctuation marks are signs such as periods, commas and question marks. You use them in sentences to make the meaning clear.
Period You put a period at the end of a sentence.
He drew a horse
Albert is my good friend. Please don’t be late. The bird is sitting on a branch. It’s snowing heavily today. There’s a rainbow in the sky. This big house belongs to a rich man. I can swim. Ethan is good at drawing. They all enjoyed playing baseball. 150
Comma Use a comma between nouns and noun phrases in a list. I bought two apples, three oranges and some grapes. He enjoys tennis, badminton, skating and football. At school we study English, math, science, history and geography.
Use commas between adjectives when you use several of them to describe something. A giraffe is a tall, long-necked, long-legged animal. He is a tall, handsome, smart and ambitious young man.
Use a comma after yes and no, and before please in sentences. You also use a comma before or after the name of the person you are speaking to.
No, it has stopped. Good morning, sir! Can you tell me what time it is, please? Yes, it’s a quarter past three, George.
Commas are used to show where there is a brief pause. Unfortunately, she injured her knee skiing. She was in the bedroom, listening to music on the radio. 151
Exclamation Point An exclamation point is often used after a command, an interjection, or a word that shows surprise or anger. Sit down! Oh dear! What a surprise! You are fired! I told you not to do that!
Quiet! Put the knife down! Help! Help! Eeek! A ghost! Stop him!
Question Mark Use a question mark after a question.
How are you What’s your name? How many stamps do you have? Where do they come from? Who has taken my pen? Can you lend me your bicycle? Where are you going? Why are you always late? What’s the meaning of this word? Do you know the answer to this problem? 152
Apostrophe Use an apostrophe with an s (’s) to show who owns something. The ’s is added after singular nouns or names.
This is Peter’s bed and that is Michael’s bed.
A squirrel’s tail is big and bushy.
We all like Mom’s cooking. Amanda clears everybody’s plates after dinner. John’s dog is very friendly. All the pupils have a month’s vacation in June. I spent the evening at David’s playing video games. I took a ride in Tom’s car. Father is holding Susie’s hand. Jane is wearing her mother’s shoes. We’re going to our aunt’s house. There is a bird’s nest in that tree. Our dog’s collar is brown. Is this Portland’s tallest building? 153
4 Follow the same rule when a name or a singular noun ends in -s. Write an apostrophe first and then add another s. The princess’s golden ball fell into a well. A rhinoceros’s skin is very thick. Dad is at his boss’s party.
4 For plural nouns that end in -s, put the apostrophe after the -s. Birds’ beaks are all different shapes and sizes. Miss Lee is marking her pupils’ work. This is my parents’ wedding photo. Dresses are upstairs in the ladies’ department. Henry goes to a boys’ school. Dr. Kim parked his car in the doctors’ parking lot. My brothers’ bedrooms are always messy. The girls’ bedrooms are usually tidy. A flood has destroyed all the farmers’ crops.
4 Some plural nouns do not end in -s. Just add ’s to these plural nouns. There are slides and swings and seesaws in the children’s playground. The men’s changing room is occupied. The bookstore sells newspapers, comics and women’s magazines. Doctors look after people’s health. 154
m ar H elp
4 You can also refer to a person’s office or shop by
using a possessive form with an apostrophe. For example:
I’ll buy some bread at the baker’s. I was reading a book at the dentist’s. It’s time you went to the barber’s.
4 You can also refer to your friends’ homes
in the same way:
I’m going next door to Peter’s. I stayed the night at Susan’s.
4 How do you make a possessive form of two people joined by and, such as Peter and John, or Mary and Anne? Put ’s only after the second name.
For example:
Barbara and David’s house Jill and Andy’s party
4 These possessive forms of names and nouns can be
used without a following noun. For example:
Which desk is Susan’s? George’s is in the back row. This room is my brother’s.
The apostrophe can also be used to show that one or more letters in a contraction have been left out. I’ve finished my math, but I haven’t finished my spelling. We’ll come to your party, but Sue won’t be able to come. He’s gone to the library. Dad wasn’t at home and the children weren’t at home either. I don’t like potatoes and Susan doesn’t like tomatoes. I didn’t watch which way I was going and I can’t find my way home. We’re late because we couldn’t find your house. Mom’s finished her shopping but she hasn’t gone through the checkout line yet.
Mary’d like a cat as a pet, but she wouldn’t like a turtle. m ar H m a
You are taller than Peter, but you aren’t as tall as I am.
The words has and is are often shortened to ’s after a noun or proper noun. For example:
The mail has arrived. The mail’s arrived.
Sally is here. Sally’s here. 156
Exercise 1
Write the punctuation marks from the box to complete the following sentences:
, . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
He hates cheese Who is your teacher Stop that man Keep quiet Good morning madam George are you okay Peter David and Susan are playing hide and seek Mom bought meat fish and vegetables at the supermarket What is the time now Anne is a pretty girl
Exercise 2
Complete the following sentences by writing the apostrophe(‘) in the correct place: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
This is Peters bike. Paul cant find his shoes. Miss Lee is marking the pupils papers. They are all on the childrens playground. Dont make so much noise! Doctors take care of peoples health. Theyre having a game of tennis. Jack doesnt look well. 157
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 1 Younger students at beginning to intermediate levels will greatly benefit from this step-by-step approach to English grammar basics. This is the ideal supplement to your language arts program whether your students are native English speakers or beginning English language learners. Skill-specific lessons make it easy to locate and prescribe instant reinforcement or intervention. • Illustrated lessons are tightly focused on core concepts of grammar • Nearly 70 practice exercises are included for ready reinforcement • A wealth of examples are provided on every topic • Concise explanations are bolstered by extra grammar tips and useful language notes

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BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR B ook 2 Book 2 Book Book 2 Book. Howard Sargeant Book 2. Lesson by lesson, this book provides basic instruction in the eight parts of speech—nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions,.

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Understanding and Using English Grammar (Paperback)
by(shelved 13 times as english-grammar)
avg rating 4.09 — 957 ratings — published 1988
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English Grammar in Use with Answers: Reference and Practice for Intermediate Students (Paperback)
by(shelved 9 times as english-grammar)
avg rating 4.32 — 1,495 ratings — published 1985
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Fundamentals of English Grammar (Paperback)
by(shelved 9 times as english-grammar)
avg rating 4.24 — 361 ratings — published 1985
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A Practical English Grammar (Paperback)
by(shelved 8 times as english-grammar)
avg rating 4.17 — 333 ratings — published 1969
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Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation (Paperback)
by(shelved 7 times as english-grammar)
avg rating 3.87 — 91,515 ratings — published 2003
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Advanced Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Advanced Learners of English (Paperback)
by(shelved 7 times as english-grammar)
avg rating 4.14 — 574 ratings — published 1999
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Practical English Usage (Paperback)
by(shelved 7 times as english-grammar)
avg rating 4.29 — 1,164 ratings — published 1981
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Essential Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Elementary Students of English with Answers [With CDROM] (Paperback)
by(shelved 7 times as english-grammar)
avg rating 4.23 — 828 ratings — published 1990
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The Elements of Style (Hardcover)
by(shelved 5 times as english-grammar)
avg rating 4.20 — 64,498 ratings — published 1918
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A Communicative Grammar of English (Paperback)
by(shelved 4 times as english-grammar)
avg rating 3.97 — 73 ratings — published 1975
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Basic English Grammar: With Answer Key (Paperback)
by(shelved 4 times as english-grammar)
avg rating 4.04 — 227 ratings — published 1983
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Fundamentals of English Grammar: With Answer Key (Paperback)
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avg rating 4.10 — 134 ratings — published 2002
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How English Works: A Grammar Practice Book (Paperback)
by(shelved 4 times as english-grammar)
avg rating 3.98 — 101 ratings — published 1997
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Woe Is I: The Grammarphobe's Guide to Better English in Plain English (Paperback)
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avg rating 3.93 — 3,886 ratings — published 1996
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Grammar in Use Intermediate with Answers: Self-study Reference and Practice for Students of English (Paperback)
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avg rating 4.17 — 224 ratings — published
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English Vocabulary in Use Elementary (Paperback)
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avg rating 4.15 — 227 ratings — published 1999
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The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language (Hardcover)
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avg rating 4.41 — 58 ratings — published 2002
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Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language: A (Hardcover)
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avg rating 4.11 — 125 ratings — published 1985
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The Grammar Book: An ESL/EFL Teacher's Course (Hardcover)
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Oxford Modern English Grammar (Hardcover)
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avg rating 4.23 — 124 ratings — published 2011
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Oxford Guide to English Grammar (Paperback)
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avg rating 4.18 — 87 ratings — published 1994
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Oxford Practice Grammar: With Answers (Paperback)
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avg rating 3.76 — 98 ratings — published 1999
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The Handbook of Good English (Paperback)
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avg rating 4.21 — 78 ratings — published 1983
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Do I Make Myself Clear? Why Writing Well Matters (Hardcover)
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avg rating 3.59 — 517 ratings — published 2017
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Applied English Grammar and Composition (Paperback)
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avg rating 3.96 — 249 ratings — published 2007
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English Grammar and Composition: Complete Course (Hardcover)
by(shelved 2 times as english-grammar)
avg rating 4.15 — 152 ratings — published 1951
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A Student's Introduction to English Grammar (Paperback)
by(shelved 2 times as english-grammar)
avg rating 3.85 — 138 ratings — published 2005
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Practical English Grammar: Exercises 2: Grammar exercises to accompany <em>A Practical English Grammar</em>. (Paperback)
by(shelved 2 times as english-grammar)
avg rating 4.26 — 34 ratings — published 1986
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English Vocabulary in Use Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate (Paperback)
by(shelved 2 times as english-grammar)
avg rating 4.20 — 207 ratings — published 1997
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English Vocabulary in Use Upper-Intermediate & Advanced (Paperback)
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British or American English?: A Handbook of Word and Grammar Patterns (Paperback)
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Basic Grammar in Use Without Answers: Reference and Practice for Students of English [With CD (Audio)]
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Garner's Modern American Usage (Hardcover)
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The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century (Hardcover)
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Grammar Girl's 911 Punctuation: Your Guide to Writing it Right (Kindle Edition)
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avg rating 4.22 — 247 ratings — published 2011
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High School English Grammar and Composition (Paperback)
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avg rating 4.14 — 685 ratings — published 1961

Basic English Linguistics Grammar Book Pdf

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Cambridge Grammar of English: A Comprehensive Guide (Paperback)
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avg rating 4.30 — 112 ratings — published 2006
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Saddleback Basic English Grammar Book 2 Pdf

An Introduction to English Grammar (Longman Grammar, Syntax and Phonology)
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Understanding and Using English Grammar: Workbook (Paperback)
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FCE Use of English (Paperback)
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Longman Advanced Grammar: Reference and Practice (Unknown Binding)
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Improve Your Written English (Paperback)
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Holy Sh*t: A Brief History of Swearing (Hardcover)
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The Glamour of Grammar: A Guide to the Magic and Mystery of Practical English (Hardcover)
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An A-Z of English Grammar & Usage (Paperback)
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The King's English (Paperback)
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MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (Paperback)
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avg rating 3.81 — 3,548 ratings — published 1977
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Advanced Language Practice (Paperback)
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