Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate Big Star Weapon

 Posted admin

Big star weapon have low base stats high bonus stats at full compatibility. 5 star shin weapon have higher base stats than mystic weapon and +99 bonus stats at full compatibility. So in terms of stats, 5 star shin weapons is the best weapon but the skin is the same as the 4 star weapon. Should I just buy the best weapon available and worry about the big star. On easy, which I never did in any Warriors game before Orochi 3.

If you don't have those weapons as an option then I'd recommend a 4 star weapon over a big star weapon (unless it has max compatibility) just due to having a much higher base power. Xtreme Legends / Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate Retired Trophy Hunter September 24th, 2014, 07:43 PM.

User Rating: 4 out of 5

Submitted on8/11/2016

Review title of JamesPleasant surprise!

Obscene roster(good thing), great replayability, familiar controls, hard mode was actually hard on first run, new story not typical of the franchise, addictive character progression and weapon system, custom scenarios via edit mode, online and split screen multiplayer, and duels are back! NEVER expected this from Games with Gold, best title from the GwG program to date. Rated 4 because sometimes there are more enemies than the engine can show on screen and some of them will vanish temporarily, the resolution and textures look like previous generation consoles, the camp in story mode left more to be desired, and objectives are easy to miss in the thick of battle. Manual saves are good for perfectionists but bad for younger gamers who arent used to it. I recommend this title to fans of the franchise as they wont be disappointed but newcomers may feel lost and either underwhelmed or overwhelmed depending on expectations. Save often, especially on harder difficulties it'll save you grief.

Posted by3 years ago

Howto: Warriors Orochi 3 - Heroes of Komaki-Nagakute and Joan of Arc's Mystic Weapon

This one was a bit perplexing. Now let me say, I like this stage because it's the closest to having RPG-like choices. There are things you can choose to do to make the situation advance or you can do it all.

Onto brass tacks. I'm doing a replay and getting Mystic Weapons with all of my characters in the 2x-3x level range, completely bypassing Big Star weapons.

Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate Weapons

The guide says:

In Heroes of Komaki-Nagakute, defeat Massicot and Coltan in under 7 minutes.

That's not entirely true. You can just go kill them right away, but it won't activate the treasure.

This is a difficult level for several reasons, especially with low-level characters. This person shows you how to get the Mystic Weapons with a level 100 Joan of Arc. If you're level 100, you don't need a Mystic Weapon.

The key is to be fast, kill the right people in the right order and not to let anyone die. Playing the level normally, you go around and meet up with defense captains, play defense, resist the onslaught, keep the Saika Rebels alive, etc.

What you're doing here is more than killing Massicot and Coltan in under 7 minutes. You're actually negating all of the parts of the story in under 7 minutes. This is easily the most complicated Mystic Weapon and the fact you 'just defeat these guys' is listed as the solution is laughable.


The attack comes in waves. You have to prevent each wave.

  1. First step is Botryogen. He's right in front of you at the bridge. Jump down and kill only him. Do not worry about peons (at all)

  2. Cross the bridge and go directly left to Hooknose. He's part of the attack wave. You are aborting the attack wave. Kill him.

  3. Boomslang is right next to him. Just finish him off. He's part of the wave that comes afterward.

  4. Galena is next. He's going to head for the NW garrison. I wasn't able to cut him off before he got there, but I killed him before he defeated my Defense Captain.

  5. The next advance starts, which is Tangleweb. Cross the bridge directly south of your position and take him out.

  6. The Saika Rebels will appear. Since you aborted the attack, the defense of the Resistance Army Main Camp is successful.

  7. Yellowbelly got away. If you are faster/better/stronger than I am (I did this at level 38 for Joan), you can do this before he makes his way to the NE garrison to kill your Defense Captain. I was unable to get to him as I got tangled up in Tangleweb's web rather than kill him instantly. Still, I had plenty of time to go over there and do it, but killing him quickly would have allowed me to take out Yellowbelly when he was still in the middle of the battlefield.

  8. Bushmaster is at the very top of the screen in this battle. Interestingly if you keep morale of your allies high (an oft-overlooked strategy of this game) by cutting off all of the attacks, Magoichi will kill him for you. This is very important and interesting because it's why you have to annul every move the Demon Army makes before they can make it. If you've lost troops and your allies aren't happy, you'll have to rescue Magoichi instead, which means you can't kill Massicot and Coltan in 7 minutes since it's the complete opposite direction of where you're going.

  9. I went and killed Coltan first. Here's an important thing, though. He and Massicot both go up the middle bridge with their archers. If you don't kill them before the archers are mobilised, you're sunk. The archers will wreck you. They come first and the archers sit back and kill you. If they've started moving, go kill the archers. Trust me. I died.

    My everything glenn lyrics. Take me to your place Where our hearts belong together I will follow you You're the reason that I breathe I'll come running to you Fill me with your love forever I'll promise you one thing That I would never let you go 'Cause you are my everything You're the one, you're my inspiration You're the one, kiss, you're the one You're the light that would keep me safe and warm You're the one, kiss, you're the one Like the sun goes down, coming from above all To the deepest ocean and highest mountain Deep and real deep I can see now.

  10. I killed Massicot right as it told me to defeat the Demon Army rear guard.

  11. The Demon Army reinforcements arrived.

  12. Treasure discovered. Time of completion was 5 minutes, 30 seconds. Make sure you head up the western path rather than take your treasure. Save. Otherwise the sneak attack will defeat the Rebels and your mission is over.

Like I've said in the past, I hope this shows up on Google so people can understand how better to do these. I'm thankful for the FAQ, but it's very poorly described and I've found many of these Mystic Weapon guides to be inaccurate, mainly through insufficient information/steps and absurdly high kill counts that aren't relevant.

Good luck and good Mystic Weapon hunting.

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