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NASCAR beauty Paige Duke dropped as 'Sprint Cup Girl' after explicit nude pictures surface online

This is one car loving Miss Duke who should have kept her shorts on.

Model and part time animal nurse Paige Duke, 24, has been fired as one of NASCAR's three 'Sprint Cup Girls' after nude pictures of her emerged on the internet.

Gutted: Miss Sprint Cup Paige Duke during driver introductions before the start of the NASCAR Sprint Cup. The model and vet is devastated after the nude pictures emerged

NASCAR drivers typically are not as ripped or handsome as other athletes, but as these drivers' wives and girlfriends prove, that does not stop them from marrying or dating hot women. The hottest NASCAR WAGs include all different types of women; from models to well-known actresses to women who are just drop dead gorgeous.

Miss Duke, who travelled the country as one of the sport's roving reporters, was fired because the graphic shots broke mobile phone operator and sponsor Sprint's 'morality code'.

The pictures of an 18-year-old Miss Duke were taken at college and sent to an ex-boyfriend.

Speaking to Fox news, a devastated Miss Duke said: 'I did not intend for anybody to see these and now I'm exploited.

'This is the most embarrassing thing that could have ever happened to me.

'I lost my job, the best job I could have ever asked for, it was perfect for me.'

Miss Duke says the pictures - which show her fully nude in a number of compromising positions - were taken in her dorm room at Clemson University.

She added: 'We're still investigating how these pictures got out there.

'All we know is they came from his computer, he's the only person I sent them to.'

A repentant Miss Duke continued: 'I just want to set the record straight, I'm going to own up to my mistakes.

'It's something I did, I've cried enough tears over it, I'm tired of crying, I'm tired of hiding from everybody.'

As one of three Sprint Cup Girls, Miss Duke would interview drivers, mechanics and team bosses throughout the season.

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Model behaviour: Miss Duke said she has not spoken to the ex-boyfriend who she says was the only one who had the photos

Travelling almost every weekend, Miss Duke had been in the job for over a year before her friend alerted her that the pictures were being posted via email and message boards.

Ironically, Miss Duke's Modelling page rules out any 'topless or nude shots'.

She wrote: 'Hey ya'll! I'm a college student and print, bikini, and promotional model.

'I love everything about modelling, pictures, and travelling.

Job: As a Sprint Cup Girl, Miss Duke travelled the country promoting NASCAR and the cup race to fans


'God as really blessed me with everything in life... But since I can't be the country singer I'd love to be (don't have that talent) this is the next best thing haha.

'I am open to many types of photography including glamour, fashion, pinup, swimsuit, etc but please don't contact me about NUDES OR TOPLESS--I WON'T DO IT.'

Her sacking has caused outrage on Twitter and two Facebook groups calling for her reinstatement are attracting hundreds of fans.

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One, Gregg Paul, wrote: 'As humans we make mistakes, Paige made hers at 18.

'It's what we do to better ourselves, that is what counts.

'Let's not forget, the sport we love started running illegal moonshine. The drug alcohol, the illicit drug of the time.'

A spokesman for Sprint said in a statement: 'We'll all miss her and wish her nothing but the best in her future.'

The hottest NASCAR wives and girlfriends are the gorgeous ladies who stand by while their men compete in NASCAR's Sprint Cup Series or Nationwide Series. See these girls in a steamy slideshow here. For the most part, NASCAR drivers typically are not as good looking at other mainstream athletes, but as these drivers' wives and girlfriends prove, that does not stop them from marrying or dating dimes.

Similar to the hottest baseball wives and girlfriends, the hottest NASCAR WAGs include a variety of women from beauty models to well-known actresses to reality TV stars to just stunning women.

Jeff Gordon's wife, Ingrid Vandebosch, is not only an established model but also one of the most beautiful women on this list. Of course she has some fierce competition from model and actress Niki Taylor, who is married to Burney Lamar, actress Ashley Judd, wife to Dario Franchitti, and Krissie Newman, the beautiful brunette wife of Ryan Newman.

But any good wives and girlfriends list would not be complete without the many girlfriends of those athletes who've played the field. Dale Earnhardt Jr. is considered the most eligible bachelor of NASCAR and along the way has dated the likes of Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Marisa Miller and Bachelorette Emily Maynard, among many others.

The sport of NASCAR may not be for everyone but these lovely ladies show us that professional race car drivers certainly enjoy the perks of being a mainstream athlete.

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